Tag: POD

  • Evergreen…Niche…what the heck am I supposed to do!

    My biggest problem when I started Etsy, I watched too many Youtubers. I wanted to consume ever little bit of information on how to make money in my store. What I soon realized, everyone has a tactic to selling and that the Youtubers aren’t making money on Etsy. They are making money selling you a…

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  • Embracing Summer Break: Adventures with Phasma

    This summer has brought a refreshing change for me, stepping away from the daily grind of work to spend quality time with my two boys and our Labrador retriever, Captain Phasma. You can check out the channel the boys have put together for Phasma, https://tinyurl.com/captainphas they are so proud of their shorts. I feel like…

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  • Unlocking Etsy Success: The Impact of Improved Listing Optimization

    I have searched and searched and searched a lot more and every time I watched a Youtube video it was different advice. You get sucked into the rabbit hole of Etsy selling and how to list your items. Once you find a Youtuber that you think you can trust or want to follow, they sell…

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  • Pulled in too many directions

    Ever get the feeling you’re trying to do too many things all at once, but feel like you’re not doing anything? Every morning I wake up, get my husbands coffee ready for him and out the door he goes, leaving me and the boys for the day. After he leaves, I get myself a cup…

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  • Etsy Seller’s Reality: What they don’t tell you…

    in my 5 months of Etsy, I’ve learned a few things about me and the process. Let’s just say don’t believe the youtubers out there and if they are making 6 figures, you bet they are doing it through “expert” classes that they are selling you. I started my Etsy journey with the expectation and…

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